Thursday, December 8, 2011

The sick world we live in!

I am beginning to get the feeling that something major is about to happen in this world. I won't necessarily say the end of the world but it seems like there are more cruel and perverted crimes being committed against children. I have seen at least three different stories where a child was the victim of a kidnapping, rape and/or murder. What does this truly mean? For the believers, no matter what your religious-spiritual background is....does this mean that God is slowly calling his children home or is there more evil in the world than ever before? If you want to look at this from a different standpoint. Perhaps the population is out of control? I thought there were enough poisons being exposed to people through the atmosphere, food, ect. I guess I just have a huge problem with wrapping my mind around something like that.

The pedophiles, OMG. Everyone hates them right? Well, most people do. What we fail to recognize is these people were molested as children (9 times out of ten) . However, there is still not much sympathy for the pedophile. People say things like. "He/She should have known it was wrong and sought help", or "Why didn't they think about how it felt when it happened to them". Well, I'm no therapist but I can guess that it has something to do with the way people handle traumatic experiences or how it is dealt with if it is ever brought out. Most people won't tell a soul for years and years later. I really can't wrap my brain around people that molest their own children...I think that is a topic for another day.

I guess I just needed to vent about all of these negative things I am seeing, especially around the special holiday season. I just know one thing, it will make my year if I do not hear about anymore kidnappings, molestation, torture and or murder of anymore children. Especially at the hands of their own parents. I guess some things are just not meant to be understood.

Monday, December 5, 2011


I guess I am just too real for some people. I know everyone has heard at least one person say that and they question their sincerity. Is that person saying that because It sounds like the right thing to say at the time? Are they saying it to impress someone else? Who knows? What is my definition of something that is real? A real person is someone that doesn't feel the needs to sugarcoat "unfriendly" issues or topics. You won't tell someone what they want to hear; you will tell them what they need to hear. I do believe it's déclassé for someone to avoid using tact, you can brutally honest without being cruel. I already realize I am on a totally different level than most people...that doesn't necessarily mean that I'm smarter. I just happen to be well informed and not willing to believe everything I hear. I have definitely had some "discussions" with my mother and her beliefs vs. my beliefs. My beliefs about holidays and religion. I agreed at the age of 13 to stop celebrating x-mas in its ordinary fashion (I use x because the holiday is a shame and does not truly represent Christ) that may offend some Christian people but I believe it's time to stop being spoon fed and do some real research. I don't shop on black Friday or do join the rest of the crazy people fighting for deals. For years I would simply visit family and have a nice dinner. My interest has decreased dramatically. I honestly don't want to go home for Christmas. I would rather get some sleep and eat Chinese. However, I will sacrifice my own personal happiness to appease my mother and do something special for the kids at the community center I work for. Of course here is always a time and a place for everything. I believe in spending time with people you love and spending money on them when the mood strikes you, not because you have been conditioned to do so. I love to hear about the Christmas dinners for the homeless, I have even volunteered to serve dinner on those days but what about the rest of the year? Homelessness and people starving in America should only be recognized during x-mas? I think not. What is wrong with society? I believe it shows that there are a large number of people who cannot think for word..Pathetic!