Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Safety for Single Women, Sometimes it takes more than common sense.

I have seen more reports of young women disappearing. In the past, there were a larger Today’s times are more dangerous than they were before. Most single, “independent” women believe they’re invincible; but the new attitude that many women have taken places them at risk. For example, jogging alone in the middle of the night unless you are with a friend, have a weapon or accompanied by a large protective dog is just plain dumb."

What are some things you can do to be safe in your home.
·         Get a CCW or a shotgun

·         Never leave your home completely dark; whether you’re there or not.

·         If you will be out of town for more than a few days try to get a house-sitter or refer to number 2.

·         Get a dog

·         Install an alarm system

Have male visitors (you never want to leave the illusion that you’re alone)

·         Be creative (use decorative household that can easily transfer into weapons)

·         Establish a safe hiding place, should there be a sudden intruder

·         Leave the radio or television on when you’re gone.

·         Be aware of your surroundings when traveling to and from your home. It would be a good idea to change your route (especially if you have a set work schedule)

How can you stay safe outside of your home?
·         Carry Mace/Pepper Spray

·         Take a Martial Arts or self-defense class

·         Travel in groups as often as possible

·         ALWAYS, check your backseat before getting into your vehicle.

·         Park in well lite areas.

·         If a person is trying to get your attention while driving or insinuating that there is an issue, do not pull over.

·         Check your mirrors constantly while driving, people will follow you, so while your yapping on the phone or listening to the radio, you could be leading them to your home or an area where they can pick you up quickly.

·         Yeah you’re grown, but always let someone know when you’re meeting a new person, and that person’s information. IF you don’t have it, then you should not be meeting with him or her. Simple as that.

·         Don’t pick up guys from bus stops, off the street.

·         My favorite, if you know that you must pump gas DO NOT take your purse in with you. A woman standing at the pump with her purse on her side is certainly targets

       Online Dating/Dating
·         You can meet a psycho anywhere so you can apply these to dating in general. 


·         2. No matter how much chemistry you think you may have with this guy, don’t invite him to your home or go to his after the first date.

·         3. These are new times and people have different ideas on dating and how soon or not intimacy should take place. If you don’t know where he lives, works, or what his last name is; you may want to think twice about what you have been doing for this time came.

·         4. Refer to three, if a guy refuses to give you his personal information then he is definitely hiding something cut them off. Make it seem casual

·          Run a background check (ties in to number three and four)? I have been shocked many times, yet grateful      
       at the same time.

·         Be careful of who you give your phone number to online. I had a friend who was talking to a guy in prison; don’t ask me how he got access to a cell phone but its being done. They were buddies on Facebook and began to talk casually. Of course it wasn't revealed until they had been talking for a while. Now, a person that was a violent felon turned all new religion has their name and phone number.

·         Online dating sites are not 100%. It’s not like they run background checks on people. How do you think predators lure children? It’s no different. You can be looking at a handsome face and a serial killer could be behind the keyboard. It’s an extreme example, but so what.

·         Test their mental state with one exercise. Ignore a few phone calls to see what happens.  If they’re a psychotic stalker you will know. The first sign of mental instability  has to be addressed abruptly, and a wise decision has to be made to continue or terminate communication.

·         It’s terrible that I have to say this, but women really need to stop sending these naked to half naked photos to these men they barely know. The new term is “thirst”. Are you seriously that desperate for attention? Just to slide this in, I wouldn't recommend sending naked to half naked pics to any guy, phones are stolen, and things beyond human control happen. Also, sometimes when you think you know a person you truly don’t.  Ok, I’ll say it if you just have to do it, don’t have any identifying marks and cut your head off for crying out loud. They can use their imagination.

·         Most importantly, if there any unusual signs of possessiveness or anger do not take the relationship any further. I've heard about countless stories (some of the people I know personally) lose their life, something important or someone because they chose to stay in a violent relationship. There IS NO EXCUSE and no REAL MAN will put his hands on a woman that he supposedly loves. There are too many options to get out, don’t become a statistic. Just think, if you decide to have children and they have to witness this type of behavior? A vicious cycle will take place or they will be affected mentally.

      In closing, I know I’m not a know it all but I've had experience in the areas that I mentioned. We are all human, and are subject to make mistakes. Spreading information is more effective and important than sharing pics of missing people, which I still do…hoping that it will spread the word. We are living in some dangerous times and unfortunately being on high alert could mean life or death…peace. 

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